Tomiwa Ogunremi: What you need to do to make money online

In this interview, Tomiwa Ogunremi shares insights on the possibilities associated with making money online.
According to him, “there is a lot of money to be made online”. How this is possible is what Sanmi Falobi
sought to find out. Excerpts.

There are increasing calls for people to go online for extra streams of income, how is it possible? What are some of the ways to make money through social media platforms?
This is the issue. Many people think you have to pick money online. No! There is no money growing tree online; it is a platform to sell and make money. Just like a physical market, you can’t make money there if you don’t have anything to sell. You will only go and come back empty if you don’t have anything to sell.
Let me break it further. There are over 4 billion people worldwide online daily doing one thing or the other. This is more than the half of people in the world gathered in one place. These people have needs. These are people with problems. These are people with desires. It is said that, where people are, is where the money is.
Now here is the trick, if you know how to meet the need, solve the problem and fulfil the desire of these people, you are automatically rich. Let’s say the need of these people is sneaker shoe and you can provide it in the quality and quantity they need, you are made. What makes online different from the normal physical market is the numbers and the ease of doing business. If the shoe is N1,000 for instance, you will be lucky to sell hundred pieces in a day in the normal market, but you can sell one million pieces in a day online.

There is no physical market with over ten million people in the same place at the same time anywhere in the world, but online, billions gather. However, unlike the physical market, you can sell the intangibles online. You can sell your talent, skills, knowledge or experience online. You can train, lecture or teach people on how to do a thing. You can sell your music, dancing, or idea online.

As an expert, is there a template that can be used as a guide; are there learning platforms/mentors to be contacted?
Good question! The truth is, it is easier said than done. There are skills to learn and systems to set up to be able to sell and make millions online. So, anyone interested in making money online, he/she must be ready to subject him or herself to learning.
The first thing to learn is, what are the problems a lot of people have online? Which of them do I have the skill, capacity, knowledge or experience to solve? Which of them can I equip myself to provide?
Then you learn where exactly these people are, online, and what do you need to set up to reach these people. Some are on emails, different social media platforms, YouTube, Amazon.
One of the best places to learn anything on how to make money in your area of interest online is YouTube. Another one is Google. However, I will suggest getting a personal coach and mentor in addition to personal learning and practising, if you desire to make money online, because like every trade, there are secrets which I detailed in my book, Online Millionaire Secrets.

Your advice on exploring social media for income possibilities.
My advice is simple; to avoid trial and error and frustration in your journey to source for extra income online, do your research, learn, unlearn and relearn, plan and execute. There is no food for a lazy man.

  • Tomiwa Ogunremi is a creative writer, storyteller, author, digital marketer, copywriter, coach, and real estate Consultant. He has helped many brands and businesses move from zero clients to lots of premium clients that are begging to pay through proven systems and strategies.

© SUCCESSTACT, Vol 2, No 1. Download digital copy here.

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